Lava Shells on the Greens

Did you know that the seemingly simple act as a golf swing has an immense stress on the musculoskeletal system?...

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Healthy Hair

Most of us know the more telltale signs of stress/burnout <irritability, fatigue, restlessness>, but did you know that itching and...

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Who Knew?

Who knew?!?! Turns out getting a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking may not have meant you were on...

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Did you know that reflexology is one of the most sought-after treatments today? Far Eastern cultures have been using alternative...

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A BIG Hello from Sales/Marketing!

Hi!  I am excited to write my first blog for Spa Revolutions.  If we haven’t had the pleasure of corresponding with...

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Rethinking the Spa Menu

Did you know that 47% of spa goers today are male, according to ISPA (International Spa Association) surveys? Guys today...

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Facial Massage or Plastic Surgery?

Did you know that there are approximately 50 facial muscles? Why is it, I wonder, that we don’t focus more...

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Being Green

Exactly what does “being green” mean? It is so much more than just a catch phrase and simply jumping on...

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What goes into a massage oil for heated massage?

Did you know that some carrier oils are more suitable for use during a heated massage? Some of these oils,...

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Feu de Joie (Fire of Joy)

In years gone by, the French custom was to burn bonfires for victories and celebrations, thus “feu de joie” or...

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