How to Maximize Efficiency, Experience, and Revenue with self-heating thermal wellness tools

How to Maximize Efficiency, Experience, and Revenue with self-heating thermal wellness tools In the fast-paced world of spa and wellness,...

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PerfectSense Paraffin AromaVapors Go “Au Naturel!”

We are thrilled to launch the next generation of PerfectSense Paraffin AromaVapors! Drumroll, please….introducing the Natural Collection! The Natural Collection...

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Wow, that’s a Close Shave!

No longer just used for body treatments, Lava Shells and Glacial Shells now include facial protocols.  And, what better way to...

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Swoon for the Shell Facial!

Who says shell massage is only for the body? We can all agree, a Lava Shell gliding down your back...

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Benefits of Moist Heat

Our largest organ, skin, is a fascinatingly complicated system and deserves some TLC every now and then. A visit to...

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Is it Getting Hot in Here?

Looking to heat things up at your spa this Valentine’s? If the “traditional” couple’s massage seems all too familiar to...

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Spa Menu Revamp!

With the New Year upon us, is it time that your spa treatment menu could use a revamp? Now is...

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PerfectSense Paraffin…A Safe and Natural Product

Since our company was founded in 2005, our self-heating and completely PerfectSense Paraffin system has been our flagship product.  Probably...

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‘Tis the Season

During the hectic holiday season, relaxation is key to managing the naughty/nice list, planning the dinner menu to accommodate those...

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The Secret is Out…

We have been keeping a secret near and dear to our hearts since a truly exciting email hit our inbox...

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American Spa makes “Scents” of Aromatherapy

Having recenlty received my September issue of American Spa, I was delighted to read their wonderful article, “Scents of Place.” This feature highlighted...

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The Shell versus Stone Debate…

When thinking about adding a heated implement to your massage therapy, there are now several options beyond hot stones, including...

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Show of Hands?

Are your hands a tell-tale sign of your age? Age spots, loss of fat, prominent veins, texture and contour changes...

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Hot Stone Massage Benefits – Stressed to Relaxed in 10 Minutes

Hot stone massage therapy is a popular treatment for promoting deeper muscle relaxation, improving circulation, managing stress, and allowing for...

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Spa Safety and Sanitation with Hot Stone Massage

In an industry where we are always “hands-on,” sanitation is vital to the health of both the therapist and client....

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Leave the Stone Edge Behind and Create a More Robust Bottom Line

Okay, you’ve mastered the hot stone massage modality, now what? Reimaging how you manage your massage stone practice can quickly,...

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Improving the Spa Massage Experience

“You don’t get paid for the hour.  You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” – Jim...

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Entering the “Pro-Age” Era!

Who would’ve thought that my hair would be this year’s trend? Not me certainly! I was on the high maintenance...

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Manuka Honey Benefits

Like most things today, not all honey is created equal. As a rule of thumb, you get what you pay...

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Drink Up…but Don’t Forget the Suncreen!

Yay for coffee! Did you know that a new study by the National Institute for Health has added an additional...

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Healing Crisis…

Here’s something you already know…it’s cold and flu season! But, did you also know that if you receive a massage...

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Beauty & Bubbles!

If you have begun 2015 with a mindful decision to eat and drink more cleanly, (as so many of us have),...

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Lava Shells on the Greens

Did you know that the seemingly simple act as a golf swing has an immense stress on the musculoskeletal system?...

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Healthy Hair

Most of us know the more telltale signs of stress/burnout <irritability, fatigue, restlessness>, but did you know that itching and...

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Who Knew?

Who knew?!?! Turns out getting a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking may not have meant you were on...

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Did you know that reflexology is one of the most sought-after treatments today? Far Eastern cultures have been using alternative...

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A BIG Hello from Sales/Marketing!

Hi!  I am excited to write my first blog for Spa Revolutions.  If we haven’t had the pleasure of corresponding with...

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Rethinking the Spa Menu

Did you know that 47% of spa goers today are male, according to ISPA (International Spa Association) surveys? Guys today...

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Facial Massage or Plastic Surgery?

Did you know that there are approximately 50 facial muscles? Why is it, I wonder, that we don’t focus more...

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Being Green

Exactly what does “being green” mean? It is so much more than just a catch phrase and simply jumping on...

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What goes into a massage oil for heated massage?

Did you know that some carrier oils are more suitable for use during a heated massage? Some of these oils,...

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Feu de Joie (Fire of Joy)

In years gone by, the French custom was to burn bonfires for victories and celebrations, thus “feu de joie” or...

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Happy Holidays!

FINALLY! There seems to be a trend occurring that I can participate in fully! It seems the trend this holiday...

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Am I Strong Enough?

Recently, I attended the ISPA conference at Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas. I enjoy this conference very much, as...

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Time to Pause…

I am not of the Jewish faith—however I read an article recently, written by a Jewish woman, that spoke to...

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If I Could Turn Back Time…

IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME-IF I COULD FIND A WAY—-I would guess that you are now completing the lines...

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What I Give Attention Grows?

The harsh lesson that I’ve learned most recently is: just because I deny it and refuse to give it energy,...

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Giving is receiving…

I’ve been an educator for quite some time now & not too much surprises me anymore. I have been very...

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Booze Infused Spa Treatments – Gimmick or Benefit?

My perception of myself is that I’m pretty open minded and flexible. I see myself as expanding instead of resisting in...

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Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now? Worn out cliché you may be thinking…and, yes probably so. However, this is not a...

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The True Purpose of a Business…

I’ve needed to change my verbiage—not only internally, but also when instructing therapists in how to recommend  home care and...

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I like to laugh—and, anyone who knows me well will confirm that tidbit of information. In fact, sometimes I get...

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I’d Rather Get Older than the Alternative…

46%—That’s how much more we spent in 2011, versus 2006– on drugs for wrinkles, sexual dysfunction, menopause symptoms and other...

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Finding Balance…

Do I have balance in my life? For the first time in a very long time, I feel the answer...

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Love What You Do…

I entered the world of spa totally out of necessity—I graduated from massage school and, because of life altering changes...

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Never Lose a Guest

I fired the moving company! And, it’s not that I’m impossible to please, really! But, I have learned that in...

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The Next Chapter

I’m moving—out with the old & in with the new (both literally & figuratively)! On December 21st, a 25,625 year...

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