I’m moving—out with the old & in with the new (both literally & figuratively)! On December 21st, a 25,625 year cycle ended, according to the Mayan calendar. This new cycle begins with opening  a window of global change, a transformation. Little did I know when I visited a traditional Mayan sweat lodge in October 2012, that this transformation would affect me so deeply and personally.

So, after 9 1/2 years in the same location, it has become time for me to move on. This move has affected me in ways I didn’t expect—I have grieved letting go of my home, friends & business associates. I have been fearful that my business will not continue to thrive if I move to a new area, even though deep down, I have trust & faith that it will.  But, how can I stay in fear & in the grieving process for long, when I’M MOVING TO THE BEACH!

To a beach bungalow, to be exact, which means I am in the process of purging and simplifying in order to reduce my belongings from a 4 bedroom home with a double garage to a 2 bedroom with precious little storage space. It has been a challenge, but also forced me to look at my “stuff” and evaluate what I really need in order to survive, thrive and be happy. The answer for me today is—very little— actually. I am finding that clutter has weighed me down in ways that I never imagined, and I am getting rid of anything that isn’t useful. Watching what appears to be tons of old paperwork  go up in flames and reduced to ashes has given me a sense of freedom. Symbolically, it is assisting me as I begin this new exciting, adventurous chapter in my life.

So, for today, I have decided to ride this emotional wave of transformation and change—I can’t begin the next chapter of my life if I keep re-reading the last one…..

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