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  • Spa Revelations by Vicky Karr

Entering the “Pro-Age” Era!

Who would’ve thought that my hair would be this year’s trend? Not me certainly! I was on the high maintenance path for many years—coloring my hair every four weeks, in an attempt to remain youthful looking. Until….I made a conscious choice to get off that crazy

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Manuka Honey Benefits

Like most things today, not all honey is created equal. As a rule of thumb, you get what you pay for—read the label. On many grocery store shelves today, what is being promoted as honey is actually not even generated by honey bees, but from a

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Drink Up…but Don’t Forget the Suncreen!

Yay for coffee! Did you know that a new study by the National Institute for Health has added an additional benefit for coffee drinkers? It appears that higher coffee consumption is linked to a lower risk of skin cancer. People (me) who consumed at least four

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Healing Crisis…

Here’s something you already know…it’s cold and flu season! But, did you also know that if you receive a massage while you are battling a cold or the flu, you not only expose your massage therapist to the illness, you also risk becoming even more ill

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Beauty & Bubbles!

If you have begun 2015 with a mindful decision to eat and drink more cleanly, (as so many of us have), but you have a bit of leftover champagne—no reason to waste by pouring it down the drain! Heads up folks—those bubbles actually have beauty benefits and

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Lava Shells on the Greens

Did you know that the seemingly simple act as a golf swing has an immense stress on the musculoskeletal system? That split-second maneuver requires such precision and uses so many muscles that it is no wonder the golfer’s body is a ticking time bomb for acute

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Healthy Hair

Most of us know the more telltale signs of stress/burnout <irritability, fatigue, restlessness>, but did you know that itching and burning of the scalp, and eventual hair loss is another sign of burnout? Scientists have studied stress/burnout effects on the body for years, and have recently

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Who Knew?

Who knew?!?! Turns out getting a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking may not have meant you were on the naughty list after all…Charcoal, which is carbonized wood, has been used for centuries for everything from cooking, art, and even medicine. And, recently, it has

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Did you know that reflexology is one of the most sought-after treatments today? Far Eastern cultures have been using alternative treatments for thousands of years. In most places of the world, natural medicine is the first line of defense against sickness and disease. Natural medicine and

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Rethinking the Spa Menu

Did you know that 47% of spa goers today are male, according to ISPA (International Spa Association) surveys? Guys today have recognized that they no longer need to sneak secretly through the back door of the spa, in order to take good care of themselves. So

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Facial Massage or Plastic Surgery?

Did you know that there are approximately 50 facial muscles? Why is it, I wonder, that we don’t focus more on exercising those muscles, much as we would for the rest of our body? And, why do we, as massage therapists, tend to focus more on

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Being Green

Exactly what does “being green” mean? It is so much more than just a catch phrase and simply jumping on the bandwagon in order to persuade consumer opinion. It is a commitment—a long term commitment of reducing our impact on the environment. As a consumer, it

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What goes into a massage oil for heated massage?

Did you know that some carrier oils are more suitable for use during a heated massage? Some of these oils, such as Avocado, Grape Leaf and Safflower have a high thermal tolerance. These oils, which also just happen to be some of the carrier oils used

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Feu de Joie (Fire of Joy)

In years gone by, the French custom was to burn bonfires for victories and celebrations, thus “feu de joie” or “fire of joy.”  Possibly, this contributed to the birth of fireworks on New Year’s Eve—a celebration of a beginning and also of an ending. The beginning

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Happy Holidays!

FINALLY! There seems to be a trend occurring that I can participate in fully! It seems the trend this holiday season is: No More Stuff! I have been of this mind set for many years now, and while I don’t typically make my own decisions based

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Am I Strong Enough?

Recently, I attended the ISPA conference at Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas. I enjoy this conference very much, as I am able to see and chat with friends/business associates in the industry that I don’t have the opportunity to see on a regular basis. I

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Time to Pause…

I am not of the Jewish faith—however I read an article recently, written by a Jewish woman, that spoke to me. This particular lady wrote about what she and her family decided to do, and called it–“Technology Shabbat.” Shabbat is the Hebrew name for Sabbath and

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If I Could Turn Back Time…

IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME-IF I COULD FIND A WAY—-I would guess that you are now completing the lines from this classic Cher tune, right? For so many of us, the focus of the fight against aging is our face and neck. But, did you

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What I Give Attention Grows?

The harsh lesson that I’ve learned most recently is: just because I deny it and refuse to give it energy, doesn’t mean it’s not there or that I have the power and control to make it go away. Do I believe in this philosophy of “what

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Giving is receiving…

I’ve been an educator for quite some time now & not too much surprises me anymore. I have been very busy recently traveling and offering continuing education classes to Florida massage therapists. For a continuing education provider in Florida, this is essentially “high season”, since the

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Booze Infused Spa Treatments – Gimmick or Benefit?

My perception of myself is that I’m pretty open minded and flexible. I see myself as expanding instead of resisting in life, including accepting new ideas and concepts. But, truth is: I’m really pretty cynical, especially if something sounds gimmicky, or if I feel someone is trying

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Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now? Worn out cliché you may be thinking…and, yes probably so. However, this is not a commercial for cell phone reception. Instead, it’s a message about the importance of “listening.” Surely, I am not the only one who places high priority on

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The True Purpose of a Business…

I’ve needed to change my verbiage—not only internally, but also when instructing therapists in how to recommend  home care and spa menu service selection. We do not “sell”—as professionals, we “recommend.” I recently taught the continuing education classes, Sacred Bambu and Lava Shell Massage (both using Spa

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I like to laugh—and, anyone who knows me well will confirm that tidbit of information. In fact, sometimes I get downright naughty and goofy, especially when I get bored or antsy, just to make myself and others around me—LAUGH! Come to find out, laughter not only lightens

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I’d Rather Get Older than the Alternative…

46%—That’s how much more we spent in 2011, versus 2006– on drugs for wrinkles, sexual dysfunction, menopause symptoms and other natural conditions of the aging process. Am I the only one who finds this very disturbing? Have we, as a society, really become that vain and fearful

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Finding Balance…

Do I have balance in my life? For the first time in a very long time, I feel the answer is “yes”.  It is good for me to reflect on this question from time to time, so that I can take note if I’m giving any

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Love What You Do…

I entered the world of spa totally out of necessity—I graduated from massage school and, because of life altering changes in my world, needed an immediate income. I was blessed that one spa in particular hired me, even with my inexperience. For that I will be

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Never Lose a Guest

I fired the moving company! And, it’s not that I’m impossible to please, really! But, I have learned that in business, as well as my personal life, to “say what I mean & mean what I say”. These are my expectations of others as well. And,

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The Next Chapter

I’m moving—out with the old & in with the new (both literally & figuratively)! On December 21st, a 25,625 year cycle ended, according to the Mayan calendar. This new cycle begins with opening  a window of global change, a transformation. Little did I know when I

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