IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME-IF I COULD FIND A WAY—-I would guess that you are now completing the lines from this classic Cher tune, right?

For so many of us, the focus of the fight against aging is our face and neck. But, did you know that the hands are actually the first area on our body that typically show the signs of aging?

We work diligently to look youthful. We cover our grey hair, faithfully apply anti-aging crèmes and protect our face with sunscreen and wide-brimmed hats when outside. But if we neglect our hands, they may give away our true age or make us look even older. No need wring our hands with worry; moisturizer, sunscreen and other products can help.

I went to the One Concept Conference in San Diego last week and had a great time. It is always so interesting for me to learn about the latest trends in our industry. I am doubly blessed because I also am honored to work in a booth with Spa Revolutions, one of the leaders in our industry and most certainly the leader in self heating products. My focus, when working with Spa Revolutions, is typically their self heating massage tools, but at this conference, I really HEARD about the benefits of the PerfectSense Paraffin.

I’ve known for quite some time about this cutting edge technology and its benefits regarding a more sanitary and less messy approach than the typical “paraffin bath.”  What resonated with me at this particular conference was the actual product being used—the company just recently introduced Nourishment+ with Swiss Apple Stem Cell Blend. Very impressive name and equally impressive benefits: “a proven ingredient for age-reducing support, the premier age reversal paraffin complex that helps maintain optimal skin health through regular hydration, nourishment, and protection. This blend has a beneficial, restorative effect on the skin.  This concentrated formula is enriched with quality-driven ingredients that deliver results.”

So, with a little assistance and mindfulness to also focus on our hands during our self care regimen, we may actually be able to remove the “IF” from Cher’s song—WE CAN TURN BACK TIME, because we have found a way!

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