Hi!  I am excited to write my first blog for Spa Revolutions.  If we haven’t had the pleasure of corresponding with each other, I am the person behind our Facebook posts and have been with the company for almost four years now.  I feel like I know so many of you through our phone conversations, emails, “tweets” and “likes.”  Through this blog, I hope that you get to know me a little better and learn more about the “behind-the-scenes” action at Spa Rev.

Hopefully, between Vicky Karr’s insightful blog on massage techniques and tips, you will find a nice balance of spa industry trends and protocol tips to better use our PerfectSense Paraffin and Lava Shell products.  We have lots planned for the rest of 2014 and I can’t wait to share it all with you.

And, if there is anything you ever want to share with us, feel free to do so!  We love connecting with our amazing clients…or should I say friends?!

P.S.  If you can’t tell by the photo, I love French macarons and all things sweet.

Talk Soon –

Kristin Sartore

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