No longer just used for body treatments, Lava Shells and Glacial Shells now include facial protocols.  And, what better way to celebrate Father’s Day than with the Gentleman’s Lava Shell Shave/Facial Protocol!

Staying true to the long-standing art of the traditional wet shave, the use of Lava and Glacial Shells can greatly assist with a closer, smoother, and more comfortable shave.  For a great start, cleanse and exfoliate the face and neck with the skin care line of your choice.  (We love RA for Men’s Blue Agave Energizing Cleanser and Buffed Granular Scrub.)  This step will help remove dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and old cells that might be pressing facial hair down, blocking the razor’s ability to be effective.

Then, using the warm Lava Shells, begin massaging the face and neck.  The heat from the shells will help to soften hair and protect the skin against nicks and cuts.  The skin will ultimately be softer, the hair more pliable, and the pores open, helping to prevent ingrown hairs and providing a much less abrasive experience.

Post-shave, utilize the Glacial Shells to close pores and help reduce any inflammation or redness that naturally occurs during shaving.  Lastly, replenish the skin with a hydrating and moisturizing product such as RA for Men EnvirProtect Daytime Cream.

A clean shave has never been so relaxing!

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