Looking to heat things up at your spa this Valentine’s? If the “traditional” couple’s massage seems all too familiar to your clients, easily enhance it with Lava Shells!

Lava Shells will help promote deeper relaxation to couples seeking rest and relaxation. They will deliver a seamless massage of warmth and touch, their smooth shaping dancing effortlessly across the skin and contouring the body.

Feeling excited yet? Here are a few tips for creating the “Lava Shell Couple’s Massage” Valentine’s Special:

  • Starting marketing early! Promote the service on your social media pages and send out an email invitation to past clients.
  • Create a custom package that includes a take-home Lava Shell Retail Kit.  (The romance doesn’t have to end when they leave the spa!)
  • Intrigue your spa guests! Place a beautiful bowl of Lava Shells in the reception area with brochures.
  • Extend your hours on Valentine’s Day. Appointments are likely to filly up early! Extend your hours to accommodate more couples seeking a deep sense of well-being and quiet time together.

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